Training @ The Link


The Link can offer a variety of accredited and nationally recognised training along with more bespoke and personalised training developed by our highly skilled workforce. These training sessions can be run online or face to face and can also be held over a full day or a twilight session, this is to ensure that the training is completely personalised to your needs.


Training @The Link is suitable for anyone who lives with, works with or supports Children and Young People and would like to know more about supporting their Emotional Health and Wellbeing.


See below details of some training we have developed and delivered, please note that this list is not exhaustive as training is bespoke and personalised.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

The course covers everything you need to know about Adverse Childhood Experiences, including:

  • What are ACE's
  • How do they affect children and young people
  • What we can do to support children who have been affected

Child Sexual Exploitation

The course covers everything you need to know about Child Sexual Exploitation, including:

  • What CSE is
  • Stages of grooming
  • Signs and indicators a young person may be a victim of CSE
  • Barriers to disclosure
  • What we can do to support and who to refer to for additional support

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 

The course covers everything you need to know about Foetal Alcohol Disorders in Children and Young People, including:

  • Specific Disorders caused by drinking alcohol whilst pregnant
  • Signs and symptoms a child may be affected
  • Suspected prevalence of this hidden disorder in the UK
  • What we can do to support

Gaming and Social Media

The course gives information about the impact of gaming and social media on children and young people;

  • Child development in the current digital era
  • Negatives V Positives of social media and gaming
  • Theories and concepts around gaming and media consumption

Introduction to Anxiety

The course gives an insight into Anxiety and includes information on:

  • Causes of anxiety
  • Signs and symptoms of anxiety
  • Different anxiety presentations
  • How to respond to anxiety
  • Responding to self harm & suicide
  • Information about resources, local services, and when / how to refer

Introduction to Attachment

The course gives an Introduction to attachment theory and includes information on:

  • What Attachment theory is.
  • Where Attachment theory came from.
  • Some of the Implications of Attachment Theory.
  • How we can become Attachment focused Professionals and Parents.
  • Theories, concepts and principles related to Attachment Theory.
  • Where to go to learn more

Introduction to CBT

The course gives a brief insight into CBT and includes information on:

  • The process and aims of CBT
  • Signs and symptoms a young person may require CBT intervention
  • What we can do to support and when to refer for additional support

Low Mood and Depression

The course gives an insight into Low mood and Depression includes information on:

  • The difference between low mood and depression
  • Signs and symptoms a young person may be struggling
  • What we can do to support and when to refer for additional support

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

The course provides an overview of emotional health and wellbeing issues faced by children and young people. It covers;

  • How issues may present themselves.
  • What practical interventions and approaches can be used.
  • How and when to refer for additional support.

Resilience Building

The course covers everything you need to know about building resilience in children and young people, including:

  • What is resilience
  • Why resilience is important
  • Signs and symptoms a young person is struggling to be resilient
  • What we can do to support and teach Resilience

Stress and Change

The course covers everything you need to know about stress and change in Children and Young People, including:

  • How stress and change are linked
  • Common stressors young people face
  • Signs and symptoms a young person may be struggling
  • What we can do to support and when to refer for additional support

The Teenage Brain

The course covers information around adolescence and the teenage brain, including;

  • Basics about the brain
  • Ideas about child development
  • Girls and Boys and how they differ
  • Hormones - what they are and how they impact
  • Importance of sleep
  • Taking Risks
  • What can we do as professionals and parents

Using Art to Contain

The course covers everything you need to know about using art to contain difficult behaviours in Children and Young People, including:

  • Brief introduction to Art Therapy
  • Differences between Art Therapy and using art therapeutically
  • The importance of mindfulness and art
  • What we can do to support

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA)

This nationally accredited training is split into and covers:

  • Young people's mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the signs and triggers of poor mental health
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills including non judgmental listening
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to appropriate support
  • Supporting a Young Person with a long term mental health issue to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own wellbeing